At some point I felt overwhelmed by the quantity of my surroundings. I could feel the weight of having too much on my shoulders. A wardrobe too full, an email-box/desktop saturating, an apartment too crowded by belongings, too many goals to accomplish and too many people to give pieces of me as well…
I traveled quite a bit, and moved many times over the past few years and I must admit it has been exhausting. On my last big trip - 6 months in south america - I left with a 50L backpack and that was it. And that was enough. Way enough.
So coming back, I decided to do something about it. Before I go on with how I started de-cluttering any field of my life, I'll tell you what this experience has taught me so far
-allow time to process things and relationships
-take it one step at a time / box by box / shelter by shelter / room by room
-the ability to let go comes most of the time on its own - unconsciously. No need to force it, no need to fear it.
-allow place for mistakes, nothing's unchangeable
As "time" seems to be the key here, I'll end up with saying that this is an experience, a journey, as I said in the first post. Which means you should not rush it. Minimalism is a way of life, not a trend, enjoy it to its essence.
I realize this was more of a background than a cut in the practical subject but there's so much to say, I need time to process the whole thing - to divide and categorize each actions in order to tell them in a proper way.
Ps: I know I'll often refer to objects, people, habits or even situations with same kind of angle - notice that I am not cold-hearted - but I am a loner, and I appreciate the various distance I can have and enjoy to thus objects, people, habits or even situations to be the one that makes me happy or not unhappy at least.
By B.
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